Daily Writing Prompt 6/8

Give some consideration to the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid by reading this review of the film by James Berardinelli. Then I'd like you to respond to the article by briefly sharing something you agree, disagree, or partly agree with. Quote the article once and then share your opinion. This article should be 300 words.

Even though I’m not someone who generally likes western movies I genuinely enjoyed Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I thought it was really funny, and way better than I had anticipated when you had mentioned the movie we would be watching was a western. I agree with the review in him saying that it had “…replaces the often somber mood with one that is airy and, at times, almost comedic.”, because from what I know of westerns none of them are funny, intentionally any way. Before we started the movie I had this preconceived notion that it was going to predictable and boring. I spent a lot of time with my great grandparents when I was little, and my great grandpa really loved westerns. I remember them all being awful, and thinking they were all just dumb horse and gun movies, but I think that now maybe they aren’t that bad. There isn’t really part of the review I disagree with, especially since a majority of the review isn’t the critic’s opinion but rather the history of the actors, and stuff like that. But the opinion portion of the review is spot on with my personal opinion.  Also when he mentions that “(Goldman would later claim that, of all the movies he was involved in scripting, he was only fully satisfied with two: The Princess Bride and Butch Cassidy.)” it really surprised me because throughout the movie I kept thinking how similar it is to The Princess Bride. They both seem like they are poking fun at the type of movie while simultaneously being that type of movie, without seeming like a traditional parody.


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