Daily Writing

I whole heartedly disagree with almost everything she had to say. I also don’t necessarily agree that everything she said is a bad thing, I think that she, and many others have assumed that different must mean negative. I was actually talking to my great grandma about this like a month ago and her parents said the things said to my generation about the internet to her generation about digital cameras and television (when she was in college). So I don’t think that this is a new concept, thinking negatively about the younger generation. The judgment comes from a misunderstanding or lack of any understanding of them, as does most judgement. “Our idea of standing up for something we believe in means going on Facebook and posting a status with your opinion” I really disagree with this one, I’ve been to four protest/marches this year (an anti-trump rally, the march for science, the women’s march, and pride) and can confirm that a huge majority of the people at those were young people; most of them being younger than my parents. (My parents are in their early thirties) So the thought that we aren’t standing up for something we believe in must come from her lack of going to rallies and protests. I believe that as a society we are progressively becoming more and more accepting, logical, artistic, creative and better problem solvers. When she says, “we want to make a lot of money and have free education but we’re not really willing to put in the work.” I don’t agree that we want to make ‘a lot of money’ but rather that minimum wage be a livable income. I guess she’s right in one sense, because I do believe that people should have accessible education, not that all college should be free, but some community college offered. In part she is insinuating that our generation is rude, but one of my best friend works retail and the worst, rudest and least polite customers are older people, approximately in their fifties. But she says that kids my age or a little older are almost always polite and chill. I think that Alexis’s opinion is a misunderstood opinion of a stereotype.


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