
I do think that we have reached a place in society where we've stopped doing regular things because we aren't good at them. “The rest of us simply do what we are going to do for the rest of the game: watch, listen, and enjoy as someone else demonstrates skill and courage.” As a society we have made a decision that because I’m good at this, this and this, that I shouldn’t bother trying to do other things because I’m not ‘good’ at them.  It is sort of sad to think that the only time people are willing to sing, is along with the radio or very quietly to a baby. I’ve been in choir since 7th grade and I know many people who refuse to join choir or sing in general because they ‘can’t sing’ but everyone can sing, not well, but if it makes you feel good or better or you’re having a good time then it doesn’t really matter if you ‘can’ sing.


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